- constant pressure control
- constant flow control
- set the desired value by rotary element
- analogue control output signal 0-10 V
- remote control via analogue input 0-10 V
- self-calibration option
- as sensor, non-calibrated measuring Wilson grids or measuring apertures can be used
- in conjunction with the Digireg® controller can be used to control a percentage of the total range of the controller
The controller is equipped with a differential pressure sensor, which either senses the actual pressure or is used to measure the flow in the duct. The regulator then regulates the fan output to maintain the desired pressure or flow set by the rotary element.
- IRIS adjustable control and measuring orifice that can be used as a pressure sensor for REET6 regulators
- MR fixed measuring grid that can be used as a pressure sensor for REET6 regulators
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