The cabinet is made of hardened plastic. The enclosure consists of a mounting rail with two throats, fitted with gaskets, and a motor which is connected to the throats by quick-release clips. The design allows the motor section to be removed without the need to disconnect the pipe.
Running wheel
The impeller is made of plastic.
The AC motors in the TD-EVO 125 to TD-EVO 315 fans have triple windings, allowing triple speed operation. The TD-EVO VAR fans have an integrated triac controller allowing continuous power change according to the potentiometer setting in the fan terminal block or the 0-10 V analog input. The motors are equipped with thermal protection. The bearings are ball bearings with grease packing for life. Insulation class F, protection class IP44. Supply voltage 230 V, 50/60 Hz.
The terminal box is located on the fan housing.
Speed control
For TD-EVO triple winding AC motors, the speed is switched in three stages using COM 3 or INTER 4P controllers, or voltage change control can be used with REB (stepless control) or REV (five stage control) controllers. On the TD-EVO VAR, the speed is continuously regulated by an integrated triac controller with 0-10 V analog input. The TD-EVO T with triple winding only switches the speed. The switching time can be set to 1-30 min.
- TD-EVO basic version, three-turn
- TD-EVO T version with adjustable switching time 1 to 30 minutes, three-turn
- TD-EVO VAR single-turn version with integrated triac controller and adjustable switching time 1 to 30 minutes
Fan mounting is possible in any fan position. The enclosure must not transmit mechanical stresses from the ductwork. A flexible connection to the ductwork is recommended.